Thinking Skills: Make an essay about you topic: Abortion
Abortion must be legal? Abortion is a very delicate and complex topic discussed all around the world that lead us to lots of disagreements. When did the life of a human being start? nowadays we still having doubts about it some people believe that human being life start at conception, others at birth, and others support that is depending on the days, weeks or months the mother have been pregnant.
To begin with, We all know that we have an important right, which is the right of life, and because of it I think that abortion is ethically wrong. The fetus is a human being and therefore he or she had the right to life and nobody should be able to take out this opportunity, no one should have the power of abortion, you are killing a person, your own baby
In my opinion is unjust that millions of babies have to die because of a selfish decision, abortion should not be an escape route for those who have failed to take responsibility with regards to suitable protection from unwanted pregnancy and that is why I don´t agree, in some way, about the right of the women to ownership her own body. However there are some exceptions, What is the women pregnant has been raped? The mother could end the life of the fetus if his own life is in danger?
From my point of view, is very difficult to define a correct answer to this two questions, I am just saying my opinion and I think that although in the two cases the baby is innocent, the mother should have the right of abortion. For example, If the women has been raped, she had not the fault of having a baby and she was not looking for a baby and she probably is to jung so as to live everything aside and take care of she or he, apart from this, probably the pregnancy will be a constant reminder of the sad and horrible situation she had suffered and this baby will not have a father.
In conclusion, there are some women that abort anyway, knowing is illegal and they do it in a danger way. So I think I would let abortion be legal and safe only because this reason. On the other hand, I am against abortion, it might be a difficult decision, no doubt, one of the biggest decision of your life but i think I would not do it.