jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

diary enter 2

Sujata Bhatt

Diary enter

with our teacher of literature we saw a difrrent history by sujata bhatt this poes talks about how difficult was the british colanitation.

in this diary ener i will play to be sujata bhatt and i will expres my felling about what i  think about the british colanitation.

Dear diary:

Today I had a terrible day, I am very sad now, I will explain you. I was with my brother fighting as always, when we listened a very loud noise. We scared, my mother came to the garden and she shouted “Come with me! Quickly!”.
When we got into our house I couldn’t understand anything, so my father said “Don’t worry, everything will be ok” but I asked him: What happened? And he answered me: British are coming. I am very sad; I don’t know what I can do. And, what about our culture or religion? Or, what about our children? What will happen when I grow up and have children. They will not know our culture, our language or religion and the worst of all is that they are going to be happy because they will not know the difference.  

My mother is in hospital because of the British I lost my mother language I lost my religion, I lost my culture and now my mother; please God, do not let it  happen! .Can you tell me, what is next?.

Well this is all I have to tell you. I don’t have words to express my feelings right now so I am telling you one thing. I promise, here, that I will never forget my mother language, my religion or my culture. I will fight to preserve them, and I will teach them to my children, my children´s sons and all the children of my country till I die.

By: Catalina Martínez Cerana.

July 10, 2012

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